The ASQ hawks 39 courses in Six Sigma. The creator of Six Sigma said it was a "snow job", a fraud. He said: "Six Sigma champions are con men. All you have is smoke and mirrors." A major part of Six Sigma's "smoke and mirrors" is traditional statistics. These are IRRELEVANT to QUALITY.
If you did all of ASQ's Six Sigma courses you would be milked of $62,350 ... and you would be clueless about what Quality means. You would be equipped to send your company backwards like Ford. Ford has 1 in 5 items defective from "successful" Six Sigma projects AFTER "improvement".
Despite the billions of dollars poured down the drain on Six Sigma, quality practitioners are ignorant of what Dr Shewhart taught.
Dr Shewhart's approach was a massive departure from traditional statistics. He created the basis for modern Quality. Dr Shewhart's brilliance was recognized, not only by process experts such as Professor Deming, Dr Chambers, Dr Neave and Dr Wheeler but also by the architects of traditional statistics.
The famous statistician Professor Karl Pearson, creator of the Pearson correlation coefficient, argued with Shewhart but respected him: "He placed much emphasis on the importance of establishing the robustness of statistical tests to departures from normality. This was an attitude that appealed to me."
Statistician Professor Irving Burr, remembered for his Burr distributions, praised: "Walter Shewhart's control charts are the best and simplest techniques ever devised to secure and maintain such process control."
Statistician/mathematician Dr Ellis Ott, creator of ANOM: "Walter Shewhart, the originator and innovator of quality control".
Professor Ishikawa: "I was greatly impressed with the depth of his philosophy".
William Golomski was an ASQ president from before the time ASQ drank Harry's snake oil. He understood Quality: "Dr Shewhart is truly a hero to us."
Many did not understand Dr Shewhart. Mr Juran esq, was as clueless as other Six Sigma Scam victims: "beyond the grasp", "Shewhart control chart that elegant perpetual test of significance." [It is NOT]. "I do not happen to subscribe."
Dr Wheeler: "I got the chance to teach SPC in industry, and could see how easily and quickly my students could successfully apply the techniques in their work. I was sick to my stomach at the thought of returning to the university to teach another class of "engineering statistics." "
"Shewhart's approach solved a real problem rather than being a collection of techniques looking for an application."
Avoid courses on traditional statistics pretending to be part of Quality. To improve Quality, study Dr Shewhart's methods.
   by Dr Tony Burns BE (Hon 1) PhD (Chem Eng)