"Quality" has had about 20 fads in the past 70 years.
Professor Deming when asked about TQM, answered "What's that?"
By contrast, professions such as Chemical Engineering, Engineering, Medicine, Accounting, etc, do not have fads.
Quality professionals must dump the fads and get back to the fundamentals, in order to be successful. You don't need to read Professor Lewis' book 14 times as Dr Shewhart did. Professor Deming only read it 7 times before Dr Shewhart told him "read it again". It formed the basis of his "System of Profound Knowledge".
Even reading Shewhart is heavy going. The best and easiest place to learn the fundamentals of Quality, is from Dr Wheeler and Professor Deming's books.
As an exercise, you might like to list the Quality fads then ponder why ...
   by Dr Tony Burns BE (Hon 1) PhD (Chem Eng)