It is so delightful to see a young person's desire to learn. The quest for knowledge, is so precious. In fact, my primary school's motto was "Quanti est sapere" - how desirable is wisdom.
Today, we had some friends visit and I showed their 12 year old daughter a vocabulary training app that I built for my young son a couple of years ago. It adds a 3D Lego piece for every question answered correctly, to build a rotatable 3D model. There's no belts. There's no financial reward. It was absolutely wonderful watching her enthusiasm to learn. It was heart warming to see her working with her father solving the problems. She played with the app for over an hour before they had to leave.
Worst of all, the Six Sigma Scam destroyed the desire to learn. Quality has become the collection of belts marking the degree of ignorance. Senior managers who drank the snake oil, only wish to prop up their empires, rather than learn. They hire people like themselves. They don't want people who ask questions, who are inquisitive and well educated. They want sheep to follow the flock. They want belts of ignorance upon which to base salaries.
Companies like Ford spent decades getting hooked on the Kool aid. A survey over many years and hundreds of "successful" Six Sigma projects, showed 1 in 5 defectives AFTER "improvement". It still hasn't sunk in for managers. They repeat the same nonsense over and over expecting a different result. There is no learning, no questioning, no progression.
People don't want to learn. People only want worthless belts and certificates. People don't want to investigate. Quality is doomed. The only cure is senior management waking up to the fads, farce and fraud, and developing a desire to learn Quality as it is meant to be.
   by Dr Tony Burns BE (Hon 1) PhD (Chem Eng)