The comments to my last post display a mountain of ignorance and if you will excuse the mixed metaphor, they are perhaps the tip of an iceberg.
One confused commenter exclaimed "It's sad what your [sic] doing. Six Sigma is real". He continues: "I've witnessed the 1.5 Sigma shift in aerospace, automotive, defense, and small businesses". Hosanna, this true believer has seen the light! It is the same comment made by the engineer at Ford: "we have seen the 1.5 sigma shift in all our processes".
What these people have "witnessed" are wildly out of control processes. They have witnessed processes that are a disaster. Any process can experience a shift in the mean. Such shifts are not limited to 1.5 sigma. They can be ANY amount. When ANY shift in the mean in a process is detected, action must be taken IMMEDIATELY.
Out of control processes are UNPREDICTABLE. Six Sigma's Mr Smith ridiculously advocated widening spec limits out to double the control limits to "improve quality". Regardless, defects may still be produced if the process is unpredictable, no matter where specification limits are set.
What the Six Sigma Scam has done is to create complacency that destroys quality. Out of control processes are seen to be normal and to be expected. By contrast, Toyota, using Professor Deming's methods, has run predictable, in-control processes, for months on end.
16,000 people viewed my post and about a similar number viewed my post revealing the blatant fraud behind the Six Sigma Scam: That leaves hundreds of thousands of victims who haven't bothered to do the 50 seconds of essential due diligence.
Ironically, one commenter claims "it's acceptance of incompetence that makes organizations naive" ... while displaying his certificate of ignorance. Another claims Six Sigma fails when it is not "a good fit". There is never a "good fit" for fraud and farce. Another claims you need "a Six Sigma culture". A culture of fraud is the last thing you need. It happened at GE. GE CEO Jack Welch believed Harry's hype and set his staff impossible cost savings targets that could only be met dishonestly, if you wanted to keep your job.
Inevitably, there's one who tries to sweep the six sigma of Six Sigma under the rug and claim it's for "problem solving". Six Sigma's long line of disasters such as the 220,000 dmp AFTER improvement for "success" at Ford, prove it to be far inferior to Professor Deming's PDSA and Operational Definition.
Perhaps one Six Sigma champion's gem of all is "The world changed because of Harry". Yes indeed. Thanks to Harry, Quality has been lost and forgotten. Farce and fraud rule.
   by Dr Tony Burns BE (Hon 1) PhD (Chem Eng)