OEE is as worthless and meaningless nonsense, as Six Sigma Stupidity’s laughable “metric”. Multiplying 3 unrelated quantities together and claiming it has meaning, is pure farce. Using an obsolete, 1870 generation number for quality, only adds to the absurdity.
Nonsense numbers like OEE serve no purpose other than to be used as a “stick” by the incompetent. Weak managers use the “carrot and stick” approach, rather than leading.
Professor Deming said: "Eliminate management by objectives. Eliminate numerical goals for management." (Point 11). He pointed out the need to look at how the process is carried out. Production targets encourage high output and low quality.
Many people have claimed they have used these nonsense numbers for years. Extended nonsense does not make it any less worthless.
Dr Wheeler provides an elegant view:
"OEE is like using our weight times our height times our systolic blood pressure as a measure of how good looking we are.
Multiplying different numbers or percentages together does not do anything but create meaningless chimeras.
But then I am sure that a committee can do no better than create a confusion of concerns."
   by Dr Tony Burns BE (Hon 1) PhD (Chem Eng)